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Week Seven: York, England

Well...another week in the books! This week has definitely been one full of adventures!

On Tuesday, I missed the first snowfall at my house, which made me a little sad, but I know there will be more where that came from!

On Wednesday, I discovered the English grading system is VERY different than the United States. In the United States, an A grade is anything above a 90% or 92%, however, here in England, an A grade is another above a 70%.

On Thursday, the city of Liverpool was officially lit up for Christmas. It was a spectacular evening that definitely got me in the Christmas spirit! They had a light show and fireworks and of course, lots of Christmas music!

On Saturday, two of my friends and I visited the city of York, which was a two hour train ride east of Liverpool. It was a great day filled with lots of shopping and sight seeing! I even got some Yorkshire pudding before I left. :)

As the semester goes on, I find myself getting more and more excited for Christmas! This year, I will have great Christmas gifts to give, all of them being from abroad, and I will have many people to come home to. As the song goes, "I'll be home for Christmas!"

Cheers and Happy Holidays!


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